Colorado children have only a 40%
proficiency rate in reading by the time
they are 14 years old.
Colorado kids'
reading is ranked relatively high among the states, though their reading skill level also affects abilities for math and science. Young people of Colorado and other states are outranked by many countries of the world in math and science.
K-12 education in Colorado - and the political intelligence required for healthy decisions and a truth-seeking electorate - can be improved through critical thinking and the opportunity to apply learned skills.
"Politics, the crooked timber of our communal lives, dominates everything because, in the end, everything – high and low and, most especially, high – lives or dies by politics. You can have the most advanced and efflorescent of cultures. Get your politics wrong, however, and everything stands to be swept away." -- Charles Krauthammer
Reference links for Petroleum, Mining, Water, Nuclear Energy, and Politics.
J. Burns - Wall Street Journal -7/19/2016
"You can blame the closing of the mind since the continued federalization of education, economics, civics and enlightenment philosophy are no longer taught. So an entire generation and a half are ignorant of the values that made America."